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澳洲护理学作业代写 卫生保健专业人员

虽然有一个好的领导论坛包括卫生保健专业人员和社区领导人采取更好的少数民族社区的事务是伟大的,然而,构建先进和创新能力药物程序是一个更好的选择很大程度上相关的药物具有上瘾的属性和倾向于看到一个人或一组人滥用这些物质,将需要的治疗方案。药物滥用,其预防和药物治疗计划的输出是高需求和相对便宜的,特别是当个人仍然吸毒,没有援助和出路。通过美沙酮等代用品进行药物预防、药物维持和药物治疗等项目在当今世界需求量很大。“《合理医疗费用法案》提供了一个机会,通过建立各种公共卫生保险渠道和鼓励服务整合,扩大成瘾健康服务项目”(Guerrero等,2018年)。建立以证据为基础的治疗方案、大容量的药物项目和对卫生保健专业人员的财政资助将有助于在服务不足的社区提供更高质量的护理和个性化治疗计划。高容量的药物项目减少了登记参加该项目的等待时间。它还提供辅助治疗,如精神病治疗和艾滋病毒检测。高容量项目吸引了更多的领导力、基础设施和劳动力培训。如果再加上应急管理、药物助理项目、行为疗法、动机性访谈、著名的药物康复患者,其结果将超过财政支出。研究表明,在高容量的药物治疗方案中,少数族裔比白人被保留并完成药物治疗。限制物质使用的不当方法包括那些不幸将物质使用者聚在一起的方法。药物滥用治疗不是“一刀切”(NIDA, 2018)。预防项目的目标应该是长期的、个性化的,并包括随时间的推移预防项目破坏的复习课程。(NIDA, 2018, Botvin & Griffin, 2018)。这意味着只要病人康复,他们就可以继续参与治疗项目。项目还应该执行一定的时间(至少12小时,根据Tobler等人,2018年)。当药物滥用在社区内猖獗时,可以立即实施以社区为基础的药物预防规划。再次强调,药物滥用治疗的可用性不是“一刀切”。

澳洲护理学作业代写 卫生保健专业人员

Although having a good leadership forum including healthcare professionals and community leaders to take better charge of affairs in minority communities is great, however, building advanced and innovative capacity drug programs is a better option largely related to the fact that drugs possess addictive properties and the tendency to see someone or group of persons abusing these substances are high and there will be the need for treatment options. Drug abuse, the outpour for its prevention and drug treatment programs are in high demands and relatively inexpensive especially when individuals remain on drugs and have no assistance nor way out. Programs for drug prevention, drug maintenance via substitutes such as methadone and drug treatment programs are in high demand in today’s world. “The Affordable Care Act provides an opportunity to expand Addiction Health Services programs by creating various access to public health insurance and encouraging service integration” (Guerrero et al., 2018). Establishing evidence-based treatment options, high- capacity drug programs and financial grants to healthcare professionals will help provide a higher quality of care and individualized treatment plans in underserved communities. High-capacity drug programs reduce the waiting periods for enrollment in the program. It also provides adjunct treatment such as psychiatric services and HIV testing. High-capacity programs attract more leadership, infrastructure and workforce training. When combined with contingency management, medication assistant programs, behavioural therapies, motivational interviewing, renowned drug recovery patients, the outcome outweighs the finances spent. Research shows that minorities are retained and complete the drug treatment in High-capacity drug programs than Whites. The improper method towards curbing the use of substances include those that unfortunately group substance users together. Drug abuse treatment is not “one size fits all (NIDA, 2018).The goal of prevention programs should be long-term, individualized, and include refresher sessions to prevent program destruction as time goes on. (NIDA, 2018, Botvin & Griffin, 2018). This would mean having patients stay in the programs as long as they are recovered. Programs should also be enforced for an certain amount of hours (at least 12 hours, according to Tobler et al., 2018). When substance use is rampant within the community, community-based drug prevention programs can be enforced immediately. Again, availability of drug abuse treatment is not “one size fits all.”

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