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八、Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences
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九、加拿大(NRC) OA期刊
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澳洲论文代写分享 75个Controversial Essay的topic


想写一篇吸引人的论文吗?然后,你需要有几个挑衅性的话题,这将立即引起读者的兴趣。下面你会找到一些主题,这些主题将有助于使任何一篇论文变得令人难忘和有趣。assignment代写 了解一下!



Provocative Paper Topics for Teenage Students
In this article, we offer essay topics for different categories of students. To get started, let’s look at the list of topics most suitable for teenage students.

Is medicine a profession or a vocation?
How important is being a leader?
Who is better: female or male pupils?
Does cigarette smoking have to be banned in public areas?
Can teachers upload photos in swimsuits to their social network profiles?
Should paper books go out of use? Should we replace them with electronic ones?
Is it possible to deal with anonymous cyberbullying?
What are the disadvantages of a healthy way of living?
Can students choose deskmates or is it the teacher’s responsibility to choose seats for them?
Should junk food be prohibited in schools?
Should students wear uniforms?
Is it right that physical education classes are compulsory at school?
What could be the reasons for expulsion from school?
Can pupils use the Internet for doing their homework?
Should students ask permission to go out of the classroom or can they do it freely?
Controversial Issues for University Academic Papers
Who said that university papers are boring? The most important thing is to choose a suitable topic that will be of interest primarily to you. Check out more cute ideas of interesting topics for essays in college:

The use of animals is useful for medical research.
You should choose between good family relationships and an excellent career.
The marriage in modern society makes no sense
Capital punishment is possible in some cases.
Migrants should be barred from voting.
Bloggers unfairly earn too much.
Curfew time for teens can keep them out of trouble.
People are too addicted to the Internet.
Drinking alcohol should be prohibited all around the world.
Happiness is possible out of wedlock.
Is the Big Bang Theory true or fiction?
Video games make people cruel.
Contemporary art is disgusting and meaningless.
Homosexual marriage is something unnatural.
Why common law marriage is more popular than the official one today?
Ideas of Controversial Topics for Argumentative Papers
An argumentative essay is one of the types of research work that allows you to consider a specific problem from different points of view and give your arguments. It is this paper that is best suited to consider controversial issues. Do you need to write an argumentative paper and are you reflecting on a topic? Take a look at some ideas!

Teenagers must be restricted from using the internet.
Advertising should not be aimed at children.
Fashion doesn’t matter.
Religion is something from which it is time to give up.
Military service should be mandatory for both women and men.
Are computer games a waste of time or a form of self-development?
What is more important: law or custom?
Whose fault is that the level of terrorism is so high?
Cloning has several advantages.
If you say that you cannot do it, it means that you simply do not want to do it.
Men and women are equal for any labor.
Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
Technological progress has changed our lives for the worse.
Watching television is detrimental to mental health.
Is globalization good or bad?
Controversial Issues For Debate
Don’t you think that intellectual debate is a lost art? A controversial topic for debate is your chance to show off erudition. In the case of debate, you need to take one clear position and argue for it. These questions are selected so that you can agree or disagree and explain why. Check them out!

Do you think that the indigenous population of the state should prevail?
Should homeopathy be taken seriously?
Can physical punishment be applied to children?
Is the concept of feminism justified at this stage in the development of society?
Should be Internet piracy be considered a crime?
Is money an indicator of success?
Should racism be criminally punished?
Is it possible to show provocative commercials on TV?
Can the sex trade be legalized?
Is talent a guarantee of success?
Should a student work part-time?
Do we need to give alms to the homeless?
Is it possible to judge a person’s intelligence by his or her speech?
Does cloning have a future?
Can freedom be complete?
Common Controversial Topics
Controversial topics are for different types of essays, scientific articles, and even research. Here we offer you the most common provocative topics that are suitable for all scholarly papers. Reflections on these topics will help you improve your critical thinking skills and the ability to search for arguments and facts.

Does the IQ level depend on genetic characteristics?
Is it possible to keep exotic animals as pets?
The Cold War: history and modernity?
What is better: the marriage of convenience or love match?
Should young people provide for older parents?
People of what kind of profession should get the highest salary in the country?
Is a person an architect of his own fortunes or does it depend on the will of chance?
What is better: public or private school?
Is abortion a cruel murder?
Is a human the way to the destruction of nature?
Is freedom a conscious need?
Is it true that you can buy anything if you have enough money?
Should older people be allowed to use the public transit system for free?
Should euthanasia be permitted?
Is it a good idea to take a gap year after school?




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澳洲论文代写 高质量的Business law topic分享


List of Best Law Essay Topics

Segregation from anti-trust legislation: is it good or bad?
Accidents at the workplace – How to mitigate these accidents?
Litigation processes – How can they impact the business?
Use of Age Discrimination Act in the United States
Age Discrimination against working women in the UK
Hazards related to the construction industry and rational solutions
Is diabetes a source of discrimination at the work center?
When the gravity of secrecy should be relaxed in an organization?
Implications of free and international trades in the local industry.
How racial discrimination is discouraged by law?

List of Top Argumentative Business Essay Topics

When a company is in serious financial trouble or facing insolvency, it shouldn’t expect to be bailed out by authorities.
Social networking platforms are successful in boosting companies.
To maximize gains, companies need to exploit labor.
The recruiting exercise may be utilized as an instrument for successful productivity.
Labor turnover is a proper step to increase labor’s loyalty
Brainstorming is a vital tool which may be utilized to enhance the productivity of an organization.
Virtual companies are more profitable in the current scenario.
Lesser salary is acceptable to the workforce, provided the working conditions are ideal.
In contrast to other benefits, a higher pay package will be the maximum degree of inspiration.

Top 12 Business Persuasive Essay Topics and Ideas to Compose Those

When a company encounters a serious financial crisis, it should expect a bailout scenario
Any policy related to the dress of the workforce puts unnecessary responsibility for the labor mindset
Large organizations shouldn’t operate in smaller cities
Plenty of organizations fail due to poor leadership in the business field
Smoking should not be allowed publicly in a welfare organization
Hiring managers should not accept the applications of smokers
Innovative minds should be given due respect because they also include a lot of risks
An inclusive culture in a corporate association improves motivation and the productivity of the workforce
Business organizations should keep social networking status
Besides following effective procedures of other organizations, a firm must be of the aim of introducing new ideas
Team-building initiatives at the workplace is an effective approach to enhance productivity
A strong academic background is not the guarantee of a successful business

论文怎么选题 分享一些常见research论文的主题

撰写Research Paper最困难的部分是选择正确的标题/主题。 您可能需要从庞大的研究论文标题列表中进行选择。 对于高中生来说,这项活动相当艰巨。澳洲research论文代写

History Topics for Research Papers
An analysis of the Golan Heights and Palestine
Describe the most remarkable revolutions in history
Causes, progression and results of the cold war
An analysis of the religious cults in ancient societies
Weird medieval family laws and their impact on society
The causes, consequences and the scars left by the Vietnam War
Battle of Hastings: its role in the history of England
Did hippie culture have a huge impact?
Write about the Monastery and education in the middle ages

Psychology Topics for Research Paper
The origin of fears and phobia
What are the factors that influence character and behaviour?
The function of long term and short memory
Describe the mechanisms of aggravating habits
Is autism a development idiosyncrasy or a disease?
How memory works?
Impact of depression on the immune system
Outcomes of mental health and social networks
What causes insomnia?
Measures to combat child violence

Education Topics for Research Papers
Impact of theories on reality in gender issues
What is the impact of contemporary teaching method?
Describe the mental process behind human learning
How to avoid harassment and school bullies?
What is the relevance of IQ test results?
Is it okay to rebuke children when they misbehave?
The origin of learning methods for blind children
What is the impact of technology in lesson planning?
Is critical thinking the main goal of education?
A qualitative analysis of the modern approaches to education

Science Topics for Your Research Paper
Impact of cloning on humanity
How will nanotechnology affect modern science?
Impact of psychoactive drugs on the central nervous system
Role of calcitriol and erythropoietin in the human body
What is the future of NASA?
A brief account of concerns related to the endangered species
Potential solutions for toxic waste disposal
Why is the nuclear energy hazardous to use?
Human’s impact on climate change
Is the greenhouse effect reversible?

Literature Topics for Research Papers
The most illustrious novels in history
What is the future of copyright?
Describe the perception of exile in literature
Does culture affect literature or is it the other way round?
Literature for children
The works of Shakespeare
Clichés in literature
Victorian literature
Use of artificial languages in literature
Describe the image of death as a character in literature


写论文就像写书一样。 没有教授或老师的最后期限,也没有与同学的小组讨论,而且您完全独立。 您必须自己完成论文。 这种独立性会使整个过程看起来非常令人费解,因此,请妥善管理您的主题。澳洲essay代写 你要了解吗?

Work on your time management skills
制定一个适合您的时间表并坚持下去。 每天至少要工作2-3个小时。 有效的时间管理将有助于按时完成论文。 避免拖延。 有趣的书籍和网站可以帮助您避免拖延行为。

Selection of a Topic
许多人在研究论文时改变了话题。 选择您认为合适的主题。 由于您必须在该主题上写一篇较长的论文,因此选择可以在其中获得越来越多积分的主题。 避免只撰写简短论文的小话题。 冷静地选择主题是因为一旦开始编写主题,更改主题将是一个糟糕的选择。

Avoid Messing up things
通常,有些人在做论文时会从事第二工作以满足他们的需求。 这使他们感到非常疲惫。 因此,为了减轻工作量,他们应该做一些运动,冥想,或者他们可以参加任何放松计划。 这将提高其论文处理过程中管理工作的能力。 当您的压力很大时,您将无法写作。 因此,您的首要任务是刷新您的想法,并做好准备以开始写作过程。

Dissertation should reflect its importance
以易于理解的简介开始您的论文,它是问题的概述。 然后以简短准确的方式给出所有新单词的定义。 在定义之后,给出中心概念,即我们问题的概念模型。 概念模型以更易于理解的形式绘制概念。 您还可以通过逻辑图和图形来绘制概念。 在建立概念模型之后,您应该描述实验的最终结果,这些实验可以提供支持您论文的证据。 然后最后写出论文的推论和结果。

Work when you are more productive
根据您的生产性情绪,决定您的时间,然后在这段时间内完成论文。 除了生产时间之外,您还应该为自己选择生产场所,这是您最舒适的地方。 这将提高您撰写论文时的专注力和兴趣。

Support your work with references and be original
通常,论文中的每个陈述都必须通过引用已经出版的科学文献,或原始著作来支持。 而且,论文没有重复公开出版物中发现的批判性思维和分析的细节。 它利用结果作为事实,并向读者推荐更多细节。

Avoid Grammatical and Punctuation errors
论文中的每个句子在语法上必须完整且正确。 论文必须满足形式语法的所有规则和规定。 确实,学位论文的写作必须清晰易懂。 语言必须准确地包含意图的实质,仅此而已。

Technical words and the scientific method must be used in a correct manner
技术术语应用于参考已出版的书籍或原始概念。 科学方法意味着从理论开始,然后收集证据来确认或拒绝它。 在撰写一篇关注某一特定论文的论文之前,必须先收集为该论文辩护的证据。 因此,撰写论文最困难的方面是将证据和相关讨论形成一致的模式。

Use active statements
例如,说“主要功能开始执行程序”,而不是“由主要功能开始执行程序”。 如果概念和实例可以互换使用,那么读者可能会感到困惑。 例如,算法和实现该算法的特定程序,因此在编写概念及其实例时请务必小心。 您应该尝试通过图表来解释它。

在撰写论文时,您应该专注于最终结果,而不是环境或获得结果的人员。 例如,“当晚在实验室工作了9个小时后,我意识到……”在论文中没有位置。 何时实现它并不重要,也无需花多长时间来获得结果。


如果准备了一个伟大的话题,体育RESEARCH PAPER可能会令人着迷。 你知道他们说什么吧? 撰写优秀论文的第一步是首先选择一个获奖主题。 选择一个好的主题意味着撰写RESEARCH PAPER的工作就成功了一半。 但是,在您对某个话题进行归零之前,请确保在Google和其他搜索引擎上有足够的有关此问题的信息。 无论主题是什么,请确保您使用以人为本的方法。为你提供澳洲essay代写

The world before and after sports: hunting and ritual games to the Olympics
The role of sports in the development of children
Women in sports: how the taboo was lifted eventually?
Steroids and sports – how alarming an issue is it?
The evolution of the Olympic games and how it has affected the global sport culture
Sports betting – an industry within an industry of entertainment
Sports injuries and professional traumas
Sport – is it just patriotic or an instrument of political propaganda?
Sports and psychology – What impact do sports have on the emotional well-being of a person?
Dangerous ritual sports that have been banned around the world
The Paralympics games – can Sports and disabilities go hand in hand?
Sports quotas and scholarships: is it harming the educational system?
Quitting sport – how does the life of a sportsperson change after retirement?
Children and sports: how important is it physiologically and psychologically?
Sports as a career – why is there a sudden demand for sports managers?
Infrastructure for sports – how are the various countries faring?
Athleisure – how Nike penetrated the market of sports apparel?
What effect do sports heroes have on the national culture of a country?
Nutrition and Fitness– the food and supplements that constitute the diet of athletes?
Fairness in sports competitions — how nepotism and favouritism can affect the sports culture?
The Value of Physical Exercise classes at School in the US
How can acute and chronic overstrains be treated in athletes?
Anti-doping control in sports: what measures are being taken to restrict the usage of the most performance-affecting drug?
Overtraining – how can it affect competition and how trainers help athletes avoid exhaustion?
Mortality rate and sports – is there any connection between the two?
Anxiety and the fear of injury – how do athletes deal with it?
Breast traumas – how can female athletes be protected in active sports?
Sports club – where did the club culture come from and how does it benefit sports?
Funding for sports events – where to look for sponsors and donations and how to overcome issues of ticket selling?
Community awareness in sports – why is it important to attract locals to your sports organization?
Career development of female athletes in sports- what prevents women from making a mark in the sports industry?
A study of cost-efficiency in the sports industry – how can sports organizations be more sustainable?
Sports accessibility – how accessible is sports to the common people?
Ecology of water sports – how to manage wastewater from pools?
How are sports and the economy of a nation connected? How can sports help an economy improve?
Countries that have rejected the offer to host the Olympics – how to overcome the burden of an international sports event?
Genetics in sports – Can athletic success be a hereditary hand-down gift?
What is the impact of sports regulation on the performance of athletes?
Hormones and sports – a study of the most important hormones for athletes
Physical and mental traits that make a successful sports persona
Empathy in sports – why are athletes trained to understand other fellow athletes?
Mind or body – which is the key-player for success in sports?
Exercises for players with disabilities – how do they differ from that of regular players?
The biological and mental process of sports training for the improvement of sports skills.
Collaboration on a sports field – why does effective communication have an important role to play in sports?
Exhaustion and fatigue – how to avoid them during training?
Self-control in sports – why is restraint one of the primary mental qualities that a sportsperson should have?
Posture and internal organ functioning – a peek into the lives of sportspersons and their lifestyle.
Obesity and sports – how can be overweight affect the sports career of athletes?
The role that a mentor has to play in a sportsperson’s career – should a trainer be more than a teacher?
The Evolution of football and soccer – how the rules have changed over the years?
Football tactics – what do the tactics for rugby and soccer have in common?
Head concussions in soccer – how can football players be protected from neurological disorders?
Who earns the most in soccer – players, club managers or stadium authorities?
Infliction on the football ground – how can a player be held accountable for injuring another player?
Weightlifting – what is its role in increasing the strength and endurance of rugby players?
Cheerleading – is it a sport born from another game or is it art?
Can a person with a mental disorder be better at athletics?
Fame and a career in sports – how does popularity affect performance? Do athletes play worse after they get recognition?
The popularity of hockey in Russia – what makes it possible? Is it the low temperatures, or just the love for the sports?
Hockey and age – can someone start playing hockey late in life and become a champion?
The possible chances of injuries in hockey – can the injuries induce traumas?
Aggressiveness in hockey – why are hockey players more aggressive than other sports players?
How does hockey training differ in the USA and Canada?
Money-making in hockey – what is the reason behind the massive profitability in the sport?
Evolution of hockey – what are the most prominent changes in rules and practices in the last 50 years?
What determines strength in sports? Is it a neural performance or more about muscle mass?
Strict sports rules that generate stress – some of the most stringent sport’s rules across all sports of the world
Second breath – how is the stamina of an athlete determined and how can it be enhanced?
Chants from the stands: do they motivate a player to perform better or are they distracting? What do real athletes have to say?
Sports and will power – why is it necessary for sportspersons to have a robust character?
The adrenaline rush in sports – how addictive is adrenaline as a drug?
Team captains strike fewer goals than the other players in a team – is multi-tasking a barrier to good performance in sports
Hygiene in sports – what is the role of cleanliness in sports?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Sports – why are most sportspersons diagnosed with ADHD? What causes ADHD in them?
Sports trophies are linked to better performance – how does winning cups and medals in sports help teenagers improve in their academics as well?
Safety of photography in dangerous sports – What measures can be taken to stop sportspeople from taking dangerous self-portraits while performing extreme sports?
Ritual sports in the tribal culture – what are some of the unique sports played by the indigenous Australians, Native Americans and native Africans?
Sports can serve as a treatment for mental health – can psychological problems really be cured with the help of sports?
Sports and school performance – does involvement in sports affect one’s academic performance or is it just the opposite?
Why should physical education be made mandatory in schools?
How can sports training help more recruitment in the army of a country?
Sexual stamina and sports – how are they related? What causes athletes to be more active than others?
Transgender women in sports – who should they compete with – male or female athletes?
Gender and sports – how are some of the sports around the world still biased? What are some of the sports that are perceived differently by different genders?
Sportspeople as role models – how can athletes set a better example for the development of a child?
Is athletics a worthwhile career? What competitive advantage does the job of being a professional athlete have over other jobs in the labour market?
Youth sports and juvenile crime rate – can get the youth involved in sports and training to reduce the chances of commit crimes among children?
International tickets selling – how can tickets of international sports tournaments be marketed in countries that do not speak English?
Sports promotion campaigns- What are the most successful PR campaigns of sports marketing in the US?
How to promote club tournaments for free and gain popularity?
National funds for Olympics – what is the financial pressure on the hosting country?
Olympics and finance – What are the most expensive items that must be purchased for an international sports event?
Sports celebrities in food marketing campaigns – Is it ethical for star athletes to advertise fast food brands?
Social media and sports – the role of social media in motivating sports personas.
Social media marketing for sports – how can sports videos on Facebook and Instagram help in attracting people to watch more sports?
Banned sports ads – what are some of the sports advertisements that were removed from screens/paper by public volunteers and courts?
Sports insurance – how are the insurance products different from general insurance schemes?
The History of Sports – how has new sports come into existence over the past few years and why have these changes come about?
Football as a universal language – how can Soccer help achieve global peace?
What are some of the most spectacular football matches in the history of FIFA?
Take any of the above trending topics, and you will be able to write up an excellent research paper. Good luck to you!


随着截止日期的临近,您可能会对如何开始写作课程感到困扰。 这不足为奇:没有多少人知道如何像钟表一样写作。 即使您擅长撰写学术论文,论文也有所不同。 您实际上无法获得足够的写作论文练习。 因此,随着日子的流逝,您需要一些有关如何撰写优秀论文的专业建议。 这就是为什么您应该考虑有关主管未来角色的步骤。 但是,这是一个常见的错误:您的主管根本不会回答您所有的问题。 通常情况下,您的主管要么太忙或不忙,以至于您坚持自己的问题,要么认为自己需要自己寻找答案。DDL临近,如何快速写好一篇论文?

Exploring Thesis Paper Structure
现在让我们尝试获得论文结构的总体思路。 确实,可能会有变化,但这是最通用的准则。

首先,您需要了解每个教育机构在这方面都有自己的要求。 这就是为什么即使对“一篇论文需要多久?”这样的问题也没有确切答案的原因。 如果您申请硕士学位,一些大学会允许论文论文短至30页,并且您的博士学位论文预计大约200页长。 但是,有时您会遇到非常短的论文,其中包含约80至100页。 如您所见,这些要求并不严格。 更进一步,您需要编写尽可能多的页面,以描述您的研究和已获得的完整结果。需要代写essay

我们需要在概述中讨论的另一个重要问题是论文的各个部分。 同样,期望有所不同并就此与您的主管进行交谈,但通常,任何论文都应包括以下内容:

实际上,引言部分构成了论文的第一部分(以及附录和摘要)。 如何撰写论文简介由您决定; 但是,我们强烈建议您在完成纸体后对开口进行整形。 如果只有整个图片在您眼前,则可以使您始终专注于介绍性段落和摘要。 至于介绍写作的具体建议,始终强烈建议从拉头开始。 您应该敢于向读者提供引人入胜的想法,这会激发他们进一步阅读的兴趣。 不要使您的介绍过度扩展。 始终坚持到底。

“如何撰写一篇论文的文献综述”问题的答案并不那么复杂。 撰写论文文献综述部分与撰写带注释的书目非常相似。 您收集并考虑有关您的主题的信息。 您总结了每个出版物的作者指出的要点。

撰写论文研究方法部分不会为真正进行研究的人带来困难。 您需要描述您的方法基础,并说明您的方法所基于的理论背景。 换句话说,您需要证明选择这些特定方法的合理性。

现在,我们可以描述最重要的论文章节,这些章节描述您的实验或研究,总结其发现并判断其成就。 在这些章节中尽可能具体。 不过,请记住避免不必要的冗长和个人意见。

在本节中,您应该描述论文的结果。 不要忘记提及任何数值发现,因为这些是您研究的证据基础。 避免得出任何结论。 一旦您忽略了有偏见的观点或任何个人态度,请确保您使用易于理解的干燥学术语言。 您的论文很可能是最不适合使用口语表达或非正式语言的地方。 避免使用比喻,一般的比喻或任何艺术手段。 精确准确地说明您所做的事情。

既然我们已经到了某个地方,并且您可以完成论文的结论,那么您应该具有策略性,警惕性,并对论文中所述的所有要点保持谨慎。 确保您的摘要中没有任何新数据,并且也没有引用。 我们建议您在全文完成后再写摘要。