澳洲健康学assignment代写 医疗保健

CQC的目标是由医疗保健和社会部门的普遍问题所驱动的,这些问题使得有效地确定措施的优先级。该部门面临的主要挑战是,为满足日益增长的资源需求所需的资金日益不足。全景开展的调查发现,69个家庭护理公司关闭了在过去的三个月,四分之一的英国2500年的家庭护理公司崩溃的风险的传统策略不再受雇于工业已被证明是有效地缓解这个问题。这类技术包括向医疗服务领域注入更多投资,让价格由自由市场的力量决定,而自由市场的力量取决于供求状况和政府收入的经济利用。鉴于这些问题,CQC的目的包括确保向公众提供的医疗服务是有效的、高质量的,并促进向公众提供的服务的增加。此外,它的目的是保障向公众提供的服务,并确定他们是有同情心的。必要性高制定有效的模型提供的公共服务,这将涉及各个相关的利益相关者的参与,即公众卫生保健中心和专业人士,例如政策设计者,新的结构可以筹划他们的方式处理的要求有效和更专注于患者和公众的利益(Van Dooren Bouckaert哈利根2015,第49页)。因此,它们应着眼于提高质量,例如制订能够预防疾病的方法,并改变政策,纳入传统政策没有考虑的有关部门,例如运输和广告.

澳洲健康学assignment代写 医疗保健

The goals of CQC are driven by the prevailing issues in the healthcare and social sector, which enable prioritisation of measures effectively. The main challenge facing the sector is the increasing degree of insufficient funds needed to keep up with the rising demand for the resources. Research carried out for Panorama found that 69 home care companies have closed in the last three months and one in four of the UK’s 2,500 home care firms are at risk of collapse The conventional strategies employed in the industry have proven to be no longer effective in mitigating the problem. Such techniques involved injecting more investments in healthcare delivery, leaving the prices to be determined by the forces of the free market, which are dependent on the status of supply and demand, and economic utilisation of government revenue. In light of such issues, the purposes of CQC include ensuring that the healthcare services dispensed to the public is effective, of heightened quality, and promote increment of the services to the general public. Additionally, it aims to safeguard the services rendered to the public and ascertain that they are compassionate.There is a high necessity for the formulation of efficacious models in the provision of the public services, which should involve participation from all the stakeholders associated, that is, the public, the health care centres and professionals, and the policy devisers For instance, the new structures can be strategized in a manner that they deal with the prevailing demands effectively and concentrate more on the interests of the patients and the general public (Van Dooren, Bouckaert, and Halligan 2015, p.49). As such, they should be geared towards increment of quality such as through formulation of methodologies that would enable prevention of ailments, and altering policies to incorporate related sectors that conventional policies did not consider such as transport and advertising