
自我调节型学习者不是自给自足的,也不擅长自己完成学习。在需要的时候,他们经常寻求同伴、教育者或其他资源的帮助。学生们需要明白,寻求帮助不会让他们在任何方面显得不聪明或不聪明。而恰恰相反,可以让他们利用手头的资源来提高和促进他们在更高水平上的学习。因此,教师应通过提供易于理解的持续反馈,并允许学生在做出适当改变后重新提交作业的机会,来促进积极的寻求帮助行为。这些研究表明,学生的自我效能感、自我监控与评价、自我控制与寻求帮助与自我调节能力之间存在明显的相关性。这些研究提出,学生对学业任务的认知是通过一个自我结构系统过滤的,该系统由自我信念、自我目标和自我评估组成(Zimmerman, 2008)。当学生意识到自我是个人成长的代理人时,一种自我效能感就会盛行,实现个人目标的欲望就会被点燃,一种能力的体验就会产生(Zimmerman 2008)。因此,制定课程,为学生参与SRL策略做好准备,并为其实施提供支持和机会是必要的(Wilson, & Narayan, 2016)。帮助学生自我调节的主要障碍是教授这些具体策略所需的时间(Bouffard-Bouchard et al., 1991)。尽管如此,重要的是要认识到SRL策略可以帮助学生学习新信息,有效地为学习任务做准备。课堂课程和伴随的评估系统必须包括支持和重视自主探究和战略性解决问题的方法.

澳洲教育学论文代写 自我调节型

Self-regulated learners are not self-sufficient or adept at achieving their learning on their own. They often seek assistance from peers, educators or other resources, when needed. Students need to understand that seeking help in no way makes them appear less smart or intelligent in any way. But on the contrary, allows them to use the resources at their disposal to enhance and facilitate their learning at a higher level. Therefore, teachers should promote positive help seeking behaviors by providing on-going feedback that can be easily understood and allowing students opportunities to resubmit assignments after making appropriate changes.These studies show a distinct correlation between a student’s self-efficacy, self- monitoring and evaluation, self-control and assistance seeking and their ability to self-regulate. These studies propound that students perceptions of their academic tasks are filtered through a system of self -structures composed of self-beliefs, self-goals and self-evaluations (Zimmerman, 2008). When a student becomes aware of self as an agent of personal growth, a sense of self-efficacy prevails, a desire to achieve personal goals is ignited and an experience of competence is produced (Zimmerman 2008). Therefore, developing lessons that prepare students to engage in SRL strategies and provide support and opportunities for their implementation is necessary (Wilson, & Narayan, 2016). The major obstacle in helping students become self-regulative is the time required to teach these specific strategies (Bouffard-Bouchard et al., 1991). Even so, it is vital to be cognizant of the fact that SRL strategies help students learn new information and effectively prepare for the learning tasks. Classroom curriculum and accompanying assessment systems must include ways that support and value autonomous inquiry and strategic problem-solving