澳洲网络安全作业代写 企业网络

用户应该是经过身份验证的授权用户,才能访问企业网络。可以通过与公司的active directory进行网络登录和电子邮件地址比较来检查授权。活动目录由IT帮助台和IT操作部门管理。IT操作必须为单个用户提供有限的设备访问网络。它可以是公司的笔记本电脑,也可以是家用的iPad。使用家用笔记本电脑和ipad的远程用户必须通过另一项安全审查才能访问公司数据。第二级安全性可以使用RSA SecurID来添加,它将请求密码和实时PIN,这些可以由硬令牌和软件令牌生成。用户活动监视器可以使用AirWatch应用程序来完成。它将监控用户的设备活动,以防员工把公司的设备放错地方。设备登录可能会受到限制,如果操作以外的我们。如果设备安全被破坏,可以执行完全的数据擦除。本研究讨论了在新成立的IT公司中所使用的访问控制类型。访问控制包括物理控制和电子控制。物理安全需要计划来保护组织的资产。这些资产用于收集数据和业务管理,其中执行物理安全是一个关键因素。行政、物理和电子控制适当地执行公司的管理和保护资源。安全措施有助于阻止、拒绝、检测并延迟攻击者获取资源。物理控制包括周边安全、运动探测器和入侵警报。电子控制包括用于访问控制和物理安全的智能卡以及CC电视系统。物理安全的责任是保护员工的大部分资产,以满足基本需求,如食物、水、电和气候条件应随时可用。在大多数情况下,员工安全是人身安全的重中之重。

澳洲网络安全作业代写 企业网络

The user should be authenticated authorized user to have access to the enterprise network. Authorization can be checked by the network login and email address comparison with the company’s active directory. The active directory is managed by the IT helpdesk and IT operations department. IT operations must provide limited devices access to the network for a single user. It can be a company laptop and a home iPad. A remote user using a home laptop and iPads must go through another security clearance to access company data.The second level of security can be added using RSA SecurID which will ask for a password and real-time PIN which can be generated by hard token and software tokens. The user activity monitor can be done using AirWatch application. It will monitor the user device activity in case employee misplace his company’s device. Device login could be restricted if operated outside ours. Complete wipe of data can be implemented in case if device security is breached. This research discussed the types of access controls which are used in starting a newly established IT company. The access controls are physical and electronic controls. physical security requires planning to protect the organization assets. These assets are used for collecting data and business administration which performs physical security as a key factor. Administrative, physical and electronic controls properly implemented the company to manage and protect resources. Security measures help to deter, deny, detect and then delay attackers from obtaining resources. Physical controls include perimeter security, motion detectors, and intrusion alarms. Electronic controls include smart cards used for access control and physical security and CC tv systems. Physical security has the responsibility of safeguarding employees in most of the assets to accomplish basic needs like food, water, electricity, and climatic conditions should be available at all times. Employee safety is the priority for physical security in most of the conditions.

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